This is random, but I'm so thankful for my husband.
I'm thankful that he married me and loves me, despite all of my shortcomings and sins and selfish habits.
I'm thankful that he embraces my career choice. He saw my dream of being a doctor crushed in college; he helped me through the years of my life when God convicted me to surrender my career desires and love Him first; and during those years, he prayed for me as my heart grew for the lost; and he still wanted to marry me when I was led back to this crazy journey of medicine.
He spent the first two years of our marriage serving me humbly, quietly, without complaints. The first two years of marriage were also my first two years of med school - inarguably the hardest and most grueling half of my medical education. While we look back fondly on these years [and on our tiny "first home" together!], they were definitely not glamorous. My husband endured many gross, barely-edible meals and never once said a dish was bad. My husband did the dishes and cleaned our apartment countless times, never pointing out that it was mostly my mess that he was cleaning. And before returning to school himself, my husband came home after long, stressful days at work to a busy and pre-occupied wife who barely kissed him hello before burying her face back in the mountains of medical school books. And yet he still loved me, still massaged my shoulders when they were stiff, still cleaned the house when I complained, still did the dishes whenever I "cooked" him anything.
And now we're in our third year of marriage and I'm in my third year of medical school. The reality of what my hours will be as a newly minted doctor have become more real this year. I often wake up at the crack of dawn and leave home before he's even awake. I work 12 hour days on most rotations and come home too exhausted to cook much for dinner. I have to spend a couple hours each night studying before bed.
I know it's been hard on my husband. But he prays for me. He prays that I will be a light to my patients, that I will use this unique opportunity given to me to show my patients God's love. And he prays for grace to act with patience and love towards me, even when I'm short-tempered or stressed or boring him to death with yet another story about a patient or bursting into tears for no good reason.
My journey to becoming a doctor is only just beginning. We don't know where we'll be next year. We don't know when we will receive the gift of our very own baby Jeong. And we don't know where (and if) God will send us abroad as missionaries in the future. I'm so thankful that God has given me my husband to walk with me every step of this process. He shows Christlike sacrifice, love, and commitment in the way he supports me through my years of medical training.
And if he saw that I was writing a blog post about him, he'd be embarrassed. So I'll stop now.